Rolling Stock Temperature Evolution in a Plate Mill

Language: Excel/VisualBasic.

Objective: This spreadsheet calculates the evolution of temperature profile along the thickness of a rolling stock being rolled in a plate mill, including the influence of descaling and the broadsizing phase. A graphical output of the results is available. Input data can be changed according to the specific conditions of the user.

Click here to download the Excel file or use the Visual Basic for Applications listing below.

***** Begin of Program Listing *****

'       Semi-Finite Rolling Stock, Calculation Using the Method of Finite Diferences
'                 The calculation of the surface temperature considers:
'                      - Radiation
'                      - Convection from Descaling/Roll Cooling
'                      - Conduction for the Work Rolls
' Bibliographical References:
' - DEVADAS, C. et al.: "Heat Transfer during Hot Rolling of Steel Strip", Ironmaking and
'   Steelmaking, 6, 1986, 311-321
' - KREITH, F.: "Princípios da Transmissão de Calor", Editora Edgard Blücher Ltda., 1977,
'   pág. 144-164
' - SEREDYNSKI, F.: "Prediction of Plate Cooling during Rolling-Mill Operation", JISI,
'   March 1973, 197-202
'                                     Developed by:
'                                 Antonio Augusto Gorni
'                           - GWBasic Version:         08.01.1992
'                           - Visual Basic Version:    25.05.2004

Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Const Pi = 3.1416
Dim i, iLine, iPasse, j, NroPasses, NroDivEsp, iTom As Integer
Dim Aux, C, E, Deltat_i, ST, DeltaT_SupNucl, Deltat_Reversao, TAgua, TCT As Single
Dim Deltat_AL, TMediaEsboco, DeltatRoll, Deltat_Stop, f01, f02, f03, dh As Single
Dim KAtual, CPAtual, RoAtual, VelCil, dx, Deltat_Max, Emissiv, EAnt, TExterna As Single
Dim Hi, Hf, Comprimento, Largura, RaioCT, TAmb, Deltat_Chegada, CoefAlarg As Single
Dim ForwardSlip, CoefDescPrim, CoefDescSec, CoefRefrCT, CoefCondCT As Single
Dim Deltat_DescPrim, Larg_DescPrim, Deltat_LCG, Larg_DescSec, Larg_RefrCT As Single
Dim Deltat_Rev, Sigma, VelDef, DeltaTEps, tFimPasse, Vel_DescPrim, H_Prime As Single
Dim VelPerif, tInicioPasse, Deform, NeoEAnt, NeoE, DeltatContato As Single
Dim DistDescLCG, DistRefrLCG, RPM, tFimPasseAnt, Deltat_Out, DeltaT_Adb As Single
Dim Deltat_Alarg As Single
Dim Evento, EventoPassado As String
Dim FlagAut, Descamacao, Descarep As Boolean
Dim iTM As Integer
Dim Tx(30) As Single, K(30) As Single, CP(30) As Single, Ro(30) As Single
Dim T(2, 50) As Single
Dim iLineDebug As Integer
Dim Aux1, Aux2 As Single
Dim FlagDebug, FirstDebug As Boolean
Dim Flag1, Flag2 As Boolean
Sub EvolTemp()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
TAmb = [H3]
TAgua = [H4]
TCT = [H5]
Emissiv = [H6]
CoefDescPrim = [H7]
CoefDescSec = [H8]
CoefRefrCT = [H9]
CoefCondCT = [H10]
Larg_DescPrim = [L3]
Vel_DescPrim = [L4]
DistDescLCG = [L5]
Larg_DescSec = [L6]
DistRefrLCG = [L7]
Larg_RefrCT = [L8]
Deltat_Rev = [L9]
Deltat_Alarg = [L10]
ForwardSlip = [L11]
CoefAlarg = 1
i = 5
Do While Cells(i, "A") <> ""
    Tx(i - 5) = Cells(i, "A")
    K(i - 5) = Cells(i, "B")
    CP(i - 5) = Cells(i, "C")
    Ro(i - 5) = Cells(i, "D")
    i = i + 1
iTM = i - 6
Sheets("Esquema Passes").Select
Hi = [D4]
Largura = [D5]
Comprimento = [D6]
C = [D7]
RaioCT = [D8]
NroDivEsp = [H4]
Deltat_i = [H5]
Deltat_DescPrim = [H18]
If Cells(18, "D") = "YES" Then Descarep = True Else Descarep = False
TMediaEsboco = 0
For i = 0 To NroDivEsp / 2
    T(0, i) = Cells(13, i + 1)
    TMediaEsboco = TMediaEsboco + T(0, i)
Next i
TMediaEsboco = TMediaEsboco / (NroDivEsp / 2 + 1)
i = 19
If [F19] = "" Then FlagAut = True Else FlagAut = False
If FlagAut Then
    Do While Cells(i, "B") <> ""
        Hf = Cells(i, "B")
        If Cells(i, "C") = "STA" Then
            Aux = Comprimento
            Comprimento = Largura
            Largura = Aux
        End If
        Largura = CoefAlarg * Largura
        Cells(i, "F") = Largura
        Comprimento = Comprimento * Hi / Hf / CoefAlarg
        If i = 19 Then Comprimento = Comprimento * 0.9
        Cells(i, "G") = Comprimento
        If i > 19 Then
            Cells(i, "H") = Cells(i - 1, "H") + Cells(i - 1, "G") * 30 / (Pi * RaioCT * (Cells(i - 1, "E")) * ForwardSlip) + Cells(i, "G") * 30 / (Pi * RaioCT * (Cells(i, "E")) * ForwardSlip) + Deltat_Reversao
            If Cells(i, "C") <> "" Then Cells(i, "H") = Cells(i, "H") + Deltat_Alarg
        End If
        Hi = Hf
        If Cells(i, "C") = "END" Then
            Aux = Comprimento
            Comprimento = Largura
            Largura = Aux
        End If
        i = i + 1
End If
NroPasses = 0
Do While Cells(NroPasses + 19, "B") <> ""
    NroPasses = NroPasses + 1
Sheets("Evolução Térmica").Select
For i = 0 To NroDivEsp / 2
    Cells(6, i + 3) = i / NroDivEsp
Next i
Cells(6, NroDivEsp / 2 + 4) = "Média"
Cells(7, NroDivEsp / 2 + 4) = "[°C]"
Cells(2, "AH").Select
Cells(6, NroDivEsp / 2 + 5).Select
Cells(7, NroDivEsp / 2 + 5) = "[°C]"
Sheets("Esquema Passes").Select
iPasse = 19
EAnt = [D4]
E = Cells(iPasse, "B")
If Cells(iPasse, "D") <> "" Then
    Descamacao = True
    Descamacao = False
End If
RPM = Cells(iPasse, "E")
Comprimento = Cells(iPasse, "G")
VelPerif = 2 * Pi * RaioCT * RPM / 60
tInicioPasse = Cells(iPasse, "H")
tFimPasse = tInicioPasse + Sqr(RaioCT * (EAnt - E)) / VelPerif
tFimPasseAnt = tFimPasse
Deltat_Stop = Cells(NroPasses + 18, "H") + 30
iLine = 8
Deltat_AL = Deltat_i
Deltat_Out = 0
Flag1 = True
Flag2 = True
iTom = 4
For DeltatRoll = 0 To Deltat_Stop Step Deltat_AL
    H_Prime = 0
    Evento = ""
    If Descarep And DeltatRoll >= Deltat_DescPrim And DeltatRoll <= Deltat_DescPrim + Larg_DescPrim / (Vel_DescPrim * 1000) Then
            H_Prime = CoefDescPrim
            Evento = "Desc Prim"
    End If
    If Descamacao And DeltatRoll >= tInicioPasse - DistDescLCG / VelPerif And DeltatRoll <= tInicioPasse - (DistDescLCG - Larg_DescSec) / VelPerif Then
            H_Prime = CoefDescSec
            Evento = "Desc Sec"
    End If
    If DeltatRoll >= tInicioPasse - DistRefrLCG / VelPerif And DeltatRoll <= tInicioPasse - (DistRefrLCG - Larg_RefrCT) / VelPerif Then
            H_Prime = CoefRefrCT
            Evento = "Refr CT"
    End If
    If DeltatRoll >= tInicioPasse And DeltatRoll <= tFimPasse Then
        H_Prime = CoefCondCT
        Evento = "Arco Contato"
    End If
    Sheets("Esquema Passes").Select
    If DeltatRoll > tFimPasse And Cells(iPasse, "B") <> "" Then
        Aux = RaioCT * Sin(ArCos(1 - (EAnt - E) / (2 * RaioCT)))
        If ((EAnt + E) / 2 >= Aux) Then
            NeoEAnt = Aux + (EAnt - E) / 2
            NeoE = Aux - (EAnt - E) / 2
            NeoEAnt = EAnt
            NeoE = E
        End If
        Deform = Log(NeoEAnt / NeoE)
        VelDef = 0.1047197 * RPM * RaioCT * Sqr(1# / (RaioCT * (NeoEAnt - NeoE))) * Deform
        Sigma = Exp(0.126 - 1.75 * C + 0.594 * C ^ 2 + (2851 + 2968 * C - 1120 * C ^ 2) / (TMediaEsboco + 273)) * Deform ^ 0.21 * VelDef ^ 0.13
        For i = 0 To NroDivEsp / 2
            dh = E - i * E / NroDivEsp
            If dh >= E - (NeoEAnt - NeoE) / (2 * EAnt / E) Then
                CPAtual = (Lagrange(Tx, CP, T(0, i), iTM))
                RoAtual = (Lagrange(Tx, Ro, T(0, i), iTM))
                DeltaT_Adb = Sigma * Log(NeoEAnt / NeoE) / (CPAtual * RoAtual) * 9.8 * 1000000#
                Aux = T(0, i)
                T(0, i) = T(0, i) + DeltaT_Adb
                Evento = "Delta Q " & i
            End If
        Next i
        Sheets("Esquema Passes").Select
        iPasse = iPasse + 1
        If Cells(iPasse, "B") <> "" Then
            EAnt = E
            E = Cells(iPasse, "B")
            If Cells(iPasse, "D") <> "" Then
                Descamacao = True
                Descamacao = False
            End If
            RPM = Cells(iPasse, "E")
            Comprimento = Cells(iPasse, "G")
            VelPerif = 2 * Pi * RaioCT * RPM / 60 * ForwardSlip
            tInicioPasse = Cells(iPasse, "H")
            tFimPasseAnt = tFimPasse
            DeltatContato = Sqr(RaioCT * (EAnt - E)) / VelPerif
            tFimPasse = tInicioPasse + DeltatContato
        End If
    End If
    If iPasse > 19 And DeltatRoll >= tFimPasseAnt + DistRefrLCG / (VelPerif * ForwardSlip) And DeltatRoll <= tFimPasseAnt + (DistRefrLCG + Larg_RefrCT) / (VelPerif * ForwardSlip) Then
        H_Prime = CoefRefrCT
        Evento = "Refr CT"
    End If
    If H_Prime = 0 Then
        H_Prime = Emissiv * 5.674 * (((T(0, 0) + 273) / 100) ^ 4 - ((TAmb + 273) / 100) ^ 4) / (T(0, 0) - TAmb)
        Evento = "Ar"
    End If
    If DeltatRoll < tInicioPasse Then
        dx = EAnt / NroDivEsp / 1000
        dx = E / NroDivEsp / 1000
    End If
    If Evento = "Ar" Then TExterna = TAmb
    If Evento = "Desc Prim" Or Evento = "Desc Sec" Or Evento = "Refr CT" Then TExterna = TAgua
    If Evento = "Arco Contato" Then TExterna = TCT
    KAtual = Lagrange(Tx, K, T(0, 0), iTM)
    CPAtual = Lagrange(Tx, CP, T(0, 0), iTM)
    RoAtual = Lagrange(Tx, Ro, T(0, 0), iTM)
    Deltat_Max = 0.5 * dx ^ 2 / (KAtual / CPAtual / RoAtual) / (1 + (H_Prime * dx / KAtual))
    Do While Deltat_AL > Deltat_Max
        DeltatRoll = DeltatRoll - Deltat_AL
        Deltat_AL = Deltat_Max * 0.8
        DeltatRoll = DeltatRoll + Deltat_AL
        Deltat_Max = 0.5 * dx ^ 2 / (KAtual / CPAtual / RoAtual) / (1 + (H_Prime * dx / KAtual))
    f01 = T(0, 0) * (1 - 2 * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx) * (KAtual / dx + H_Prime))
    f02 = 2 * H_Prime * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx) * TExterna
    f03 = 2 * KAtual * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2) * T(0, 1)
    T(1, 0) = f01 + f02 + f03
    ST = T(1, 0)
    For j = 1 To NroDivEsp / 2 - 1
        KAtual = (Lagrange(Tx, K, T(0, j), iTM))
        CPAtual = (Lagrange(Tx, CP, T(0, j), iTM))
        RoAtual = (Lagrange(Tx, Ro, T(0, j), iTM))
        f01 = KAtual * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2) * T(0, j - 1)
        f02 = (1 - 2 * KAtual * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2)) * T(0, j)
        f03 = KAtual * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2) * T(0, j + 1)
        T(1, j) = f01 + f02 + f03
        ST = ST + T(1, j)
    Next j
    Aux1 = 2 * KAtual / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2)
    Aux2 = 0
    If FlagDebug And j = 1 Then
        If FirstDebug Then
            iLineDebug = 3
            Range("A" & iLineDebug) = "t_Burn"
            Range("B" & iLineDebug) = "TExterna"
            Range("C" & iLineDebug) = "T(0, 1)"
            Range("D" & iLineDebug) = "TF-T"
            Range("E" & iLineDebug) = "Aux1"
            Range("F" & iLineDebug) = "f01"
            Range("G" & iLineDebug) = "f03"
            Range("H" & iLineDebug) = "H_Prime"
            Range("I" & iLineDebug) = "KAtual"
            Range("J" & iLineDebug) = "CPAtual"
            Range("K" & iLineDebug) = "RoAtual"
            Range("L" & iLineDebug) = "dx"
            iLineDebug = 2
            FirstDebug = False
        End If
        Range("A" & iLineDebug) = DeltatRoll
        Range("B" & iLineDebug) = TExterna
        Range("C" & iLineDebug) = T(0, 1)
        Range("D" & iLineDebug) = TExterna - T(0, 0)
        Range("E" & iLineDebug) = Aux1
        Range("F" & iLineDebug) = f01
        Range("G" & iLineDebug) = f03
        Range("H" & iLineDebug) = H_Prime
        Range("I" & iLineDebug) = KAtual
        Range("J" & iLineDebug) = CPAtual
        Range("K" & iLineDebug) = RoAtual
        Range("L" & iLineDebug) = dx
        iLineDebug = iLineDebug + 1
        Sheets("Perfil Térmico").Select
        If DeltatRoll > 6000 Then End
    End If
    KAtual = Lagrange(Tx, K, T(0, NroDivEsp / 2), iTM)
    CPAtual = Lagrange(Tx, CP, T(0, NroDivEsp / 2), iTM)
    RoAtual = Lagrange(Tx, Ro, T(0, NroDivEsp / 2), iTM)
    f01 = KAtual * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2) * T(0, NroDivEsp / 2 - 1)
    f02 = (1 - 2 * KAtual * Deltat_AL / (CPAtual * RoAtual * dx ^ 2)) * T(0, NroDivEsp / 2)
    T(1, NroDivEsp / 2) = 2 * f01 + f02
    ST = ST + T(1, NroDivEsp / 2)
    TMediaEsboco = ST / (NroDivEsp / 2 + 1)
    DeltaT_SupNucl = T(1, 0) - T(1, NroDivEsp / 2)
    For j = 0 To NroDivEsp / 2
        T(0, j) = T(1, j)
    Next j
    Deltat_Out = Deltat_Out + Deltat_AL
    If Deltat_Out >= 0.1 Then
        Sheets("Evolução Térmica").Select
        Cells(iLine, 1) = DeltatRoll
        If DeltatRoll < tInicioPasse Then
            Cells(iLine, 2) = EAnt
            Cells(iLine, 2) = E
        End If
        For i = 0 To NroDivEsp / 2
            Cells(iLine, i + 3) = T(1, i)
        Next i
        Cells(iLine, NroDivEsp / 2 + 4) = TMediaEsboco
        Cells(iLine, NroDivEsp / 2 + 5) = DeltaT_SupNucl
        iLine = iLine + 1
        Deltat_Out = 0
    End If
Next DeltatRoll
End Sub
Function ArCos(X As Single) As Single
    ArCos = Atn(Sqr(1# - X * X) / X)
End Function
Function Lagrange(X() As Single, y() As Single, z As Single, n As Integer) As Single
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim c1, m, s As Single
Dim X1(10), Y1(10) As Single
   i = 0
   If z >= X(n) Then Lagrange = y(n): Exit Function
   While z > X(i)
      i = i + 1
   If i < 2 Then
      For j = 0 To 3
         X1(j) = X(j): Y1(j) = y(j)
      If i > n - 1 Then
         c1 = n - 2
         For j = -1 To 2
            X1(j + 1) = X(c1 + j): Y1(j + 1) = y(c1 + j)
         c1 = i - 1
         For j = -1 To 2
            X1(j + 1) = X(c1 + j): Y1(j + 1) = y(c1 + j)
      End If
   End If
   s = 0
   For i = 0 To 3
      m = 1
      For j = 0 To 3
        If j <> i Then m = m * (z - X1(j)) / (X1(i) - X1(j))
      Next j
      s = s + m * Y1(i)
      Next i
      Lagrange = s
End Function
Sub Tomografia()
If DeltatRoll = 0 Or Evento <> EventoPassado Then
    Cells(iTom, "A") = iPasse - 18
    Cells(iTom, "B") = DeltatRoll
    Cells(iTom, "C") = Evento
    Cells(iTom, "D") = TExterna
    If Left(Evento, 7) = "Delta Q" Then
        Cells(iTom, "E") = dh
        Cells(iTom, "F") = Aux
        Cells(iTom, "G") = DeltaT_Adb
    End If
    EventoPassado = Evento
    iTom = iTom + 1#
End If
End Sub

***** End of Program Listing ******

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Last Update: 28 August 2006
© Antonio Augusto Gorni