Language: Excel/VisualBasic.
Objective: This spreadsheet calculates the minimum dressing depth for the backup roll of a 4-Hi rolling stand in order to avoid spalling caused by fatigue damage after a complete campaign. This version is ready to analyse a rolling stand of a Hot Strip Mill Finishing Train or a Steckel Mill. Other specific types of rolling stands can be implemented by the user. Some industrial experience is required in order to get good results.
Click here to download the Excel file or use the Visual Basic for Applications listing below.
***** Begin of Program Listing *****
' ' Program BUR_Dressing ' ' Calculation of the Minimum Dressing Depth for Backup Rolls ' ' ' Original algorithm described in ' ' NAMBU, Y.: "Suitable Dressing Amount Calculation to Prevent Fatigue Spalling"; III Meeting ' of the International Association of Steckel Mill Operators, Timóteo, March 1986. ' ' ' Excel/Visual Basic Version by Antonio Augusto Gorni - August 8, 2000 ' Option Explicit Public Const Pi = 3.14159265 Dim CoefCond As Single Dim YoungWork As Single Dim YoungBackup As Single Dim DiamWork As Single Dim DiamBackup As Single Dim HardBackup As Single Dim LengthBackupWork As Single Dim WeekProduction As Long Dim RollChange As Integer Dim NroWeeks As Integer Dim BackupWear As Single Dim WorkWear As Single Dim BackupDress As Single Dim MixWidth As Single Dim MinWidth As Single Dim MaxWidth As Single Dim TableWidth(50, 2) As Single Dim TableThickness(50, 2) As Single Dim Thickness As Single Dim MixThickness As Single Dim PassSchedule(50) As Single Dim RollingLoad(50) As Single Dim SpecificLoad As Single Dim Km As Single Dim NroRevBackup As Long Dim CoefDeformInterf As Single Dim MaxLinContPress As Single Dim MaxContPress As Single Dim HalfContWidth As Single Dim CoefFatLim As Single Dim FatStrength As Single Dim DressingAmount As Single Dim i As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim w As Integer Dim inic As Integer Dim counter As Integer Dim NroWidth As Integer Dim NroThickness As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim ij As Integer Dim t As Single Dim ii As Single Dim ff As Single Dim z As Single Dim da As Single Dim lr As Single Dim nb As Single Dim Stand As String Dim Buf As String Dim Buf1 As String Dim Buf2 As String Dim Buf3 As String Dim flag As Boolean Sub Retifica() Application.ScreenUpdating = False CoefDeformInterf = 2900 ii = 0 ff = 0 Km = 0 BackupWear = 0 DressingAmount = 0 NroRevBackup = 0 Sheets("Stand").Select Stand = [E6] DiamWork = [E8] YoungWork = [E9] RollChange = [E10] DiamBackup = [E12] YoungBackup = [E13] HardBackup = [E14] LengthBackupWork = [E16] WeekProduction = [E18] NroWeeks = [E19] CoefCond = [E21] Range("E6").Select Sheets("Width").Select flag = False inic = 8 counter = inic Do While Cells(counter, "A") <> "" Cells(counter, "A").Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0) If Not IsNumeric(Cells(counter, "A")) Then flag = True Cells(counter, "A").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Cells(counter, "A").Value = "Error!" End If If Not IsNumeric(Cells(counter, "B")) Then flag = True Cells(counter, "B").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Cells(counter, "B").Value = "Error!" End If counter = counter + 1 Loop If flag Then Beep Buf1 = "Non-numeric data detected in the Width section." Buf2 = "Please correct the cells in red!" MsgBox Buf1 & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Buf2 & Chr(13), , "Warning" Exit Sub End If If counter = inic + 1 Then Beep Buf1 = "No Width Data." Buf2 = "Program aborted!" MsgBox Buf1 & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Buf2 & Chr(13), , "Erro" Exit Sub End If counter = counter - 1 For i = inic To counter TableWidth(i - inic + 1, 1) = Range("A" & i).Value TableWidth(i - inic + 1, 2) = Range("B" & i).Value Next i NroWidth = counter - inic + 1 MinWidth = TableWidth(1, 1) MaxWidth = TableWidth(NroWidth, 1) t = 0 For i = 1 To NroWidth t = t + TableWidth(i, 2) Next i If t > 105 Or t < 95 Then Beep Buf1 = "Somatory of width classes is wrong, different from 100%!" Buf2 = "Program aborted!" MsgBox Buf1 & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Buf2 & Chr(13), , "Error" Exit Sub End If Range("A8:B" & counter).Select With Selection.Borders(xlLeft) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlRight) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Borders(xlTop).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlBottom) .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlNone Range("A" & counter & ":B" & counter).Select With Selection.Borders(xlBottom) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlNone Range("A8:B" & counter).Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = xlHorizontal End With Range("A8:A" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0" Range("B8:B" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0,0" Range("A8").Select Sheets("Pass").Select flag = False inic = 8 counter = inic Do While Cells(counter, "A") <> "" Cells(counter, "A").Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0) If Not IsNumeric(Cells(counter, "B")) Then flag = True Cells(counter, "B").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Cells(counter, "B").Value = "Error!" End If If Not IsNumeric(Cells(counter, "C")) Then flag = True Cells(counter, "C").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Cells(counter, "C").Value = "Error!" End If If Not IsNumeric(Cells(counter, "D")) Then flag = True Cells(counter, "D").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Cells(counter, "D").Value = "Error!" End If counter = counter + 1 Loop If flag Then Beep Buf1 = "Non-numeric data detected in the Pass section." Buf2 = "Please correct the cells in red!" MsgBox Buf1 & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Buf2 & Chr(13), , "Warning" Exit Sub End If If counter = inic Then Beep Buf1 = "No data in the Pass section." Buf2 = "Program aborted!" MsgBox Buf1 & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Buf2 & Chr(13), , "Error" Exit Sub End If counter = counter - 1 NroThickness = counter - inic + 1 Range("A8:D" & counter).Select With Selection.Borders(xlLeft) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlRight) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Borders(xlTop).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlBottom) .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlNone Range("A" & counter & ":D" & counter).Select With Selection.Borders(xlBottom) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlNone Range("A8:D" & counter).Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = xlHorizontal End With Range("A8:A" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0,00" Range("B8:B" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0,0" Range("C8:C" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0,00" Range("D8:D" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0" Range("A8").Select For i = inic To counter TableThickness(i - inic + 1, 1) = Range("A" & i).Value TableThickness(i - inic + 1, 2) = Range("B" & i).Value PassSchedule(i - inic + 1) = Range("C" & i).Value RollingLoad(i - inic + 1) = Range("D" & i).Value Next i NroThickness = counter - inic + 1 Sheets("Results").Select counter = 11 Do While Cells(counter, "A") <> "" counter = counter + 1 Loop Range("A11:F" & counter).Select Selection.clear [C6] = Stand [F6] = Now() counter = 10 t = 0 For k = 1 To NroWeeks For i = 1 To Int(WeekProduction / RollChange) ii = 0 For j = NroWidth To 1 Step -1 w = TableWidth(j, 1) MixWidth = TableWidth(j, 2) / 100 For ij = 1 To NroThickness Thickness = PassSchedule(ij) MixThickness = TableThickness(ij, 2) / 100 SpecificLoad = RollingLoad(ij) t = MixWidth * MixThickness * RollChange Dress Next ij Next j Next i counter = counter + 1 Range("A" & counter) = k Range("B" & counter) = Km / 1000000 Range("C" & counter) = NroRevBackup Range("D" & counter) = WorkWear Range("E" & counter) = BackupWear Range("F" & counter) = DressingAmount Next k Range("A11:F" & counter).Select With Selection.Borders(xlLeft) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlRight) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Borders(xlTop).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlBottom) .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlNone Range("A" & counter & ":F" & counter).Select With Selection.Borders(xlBottom) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlNone Range("A11:F" & counter).Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = xlHorizontal End With Range("A11:A" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0" Range("B11:B" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0.0" Range("C11:C" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0" Range("D11:F" & counter).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0.000" Range("A11").Select End Sub Sub Dress() lr = t * 1000000# / 0.0078 / Thickness / w nb = lr / Pi / DiamBackup WorkWear = ii + 4.7 * SpecificLoad * lr * 0.000000000001 BackupWear = ff + 0.23 * nb * 0.000001 * 2 ^ (0.1 * (68 - HardBackup)) MaxLinContPress = 1 / LengthBackupWork * (w * SpecificLoad + CoefDeformInterf / 4 * (MaxWidth + MinWidth) * (WorkWear + BackupWear)) MaxContPress = 0.836 * Sqr(MaxLinContPress * YoungWork * YoungBackup / (YoungWork + YoungBackup) * (DiamWork + DiamBackup) / DiamWork / DiamBackup) HalfContWidth = 0.764 * Sqr(MaxLinContPress * (YoungWork + YoungBackup) / YoungWork / YoungBackup * DiamWork * DiamBackup / (DiamWork + DiamBackup)) z = -2.303 / (0.74 * HardBackup + 1.4) CoefFatLim = 16.12 - z * (2.93 * HardBackup - 46.7) FatStrength = Exp(z * MaxContPress + CoefFatLim) da = CoefCond * 6# * 0.0561 * FatStrength ^ 0.091 * nb / FatStrength * HalfContWidth ii = WorkWear ff = BackupWear DressingAmount = DressingAmount + da Km = Km + lr NroRevBackup = NroRevBackup + nb End Sub Sub Limpa_Dados_Laminador() Sheets("Stand").Select [E6] = "" [E8] = "" [E9] = "" [E10] = "" [E12] = "" [E13] = "" [E14] = "" [E16] = "" [E18] = "" [E19] = "" [E21] = "" End Sub Sub Limpa_Dados_Espessura() Sheets("Espessura").Select counter = 8 Do While Cells(counter, "A") <> "" counter = counter + 1 Loop Range("A8:B" & counter).Select Selection.clear End Sub Sub Limpa_Dados_Largura() Sheets("Width").Select counter = 8 Do While Cells(counter, "A") <> "" counter = counter + 1 Loop Range("A8:B" & counter).Select Selection.clear End Sub Sub Limpa_Dados_Passe() Sheets("Pass").Select counter = 8 Do While Cells(counter, "A") <> "" counter = counter + 1 Loop Range("A8:D" & counter).Select Selection.clear End Sub
***** End of Program Listing ******
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Last Update: 18 December 2002 | |
© Antonio Augusto Gorni |