Language: Turbo Pascal.
Objective: This program performs a non-linear regression between a set of (X,Y) points, according to a function previously defined by the user.
The program has graphical capability, so you can plot dispersion graphics to verify grafically the fit between data and the proposed function.
Notes: The compilation of this program must be done under the Turbo Pascal compiler, version 5.0 or superior. It requires the Turbo Pascal Graphics Toolbox. After compiling, the following files must be included in the same directory of the executable file:
***** Begin of Program Listing *****
Program Merlin; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} {- -} {- M E R L I N -} {- -} {- -} {- Non-Linear Regression Program with Graphical Capability -} {- -} {- -} {- Reference: -} {- -} {- - CACECI, M.S. & CACHERIS, W.P.: Byte, May 1984, 340-62. -} {- -} {- -} {- Unidades Utilizadas: -} {- LeastSqr.TPU, GDriver.TPU, GKernel.TPU, GWindow.TPU, GShell.TPU -} {- -} {- Arquivos Utilizados: -} {- 4x6.fon, 8x8.fon (for IBM color graphics), -} {- 4x9.fon (Hercules mono graphics) and Error.msg. -} {- -} {- -} {- Antonio Augusto Gorni --- March 6, 1990 -} {- -} {- Lattest Revision: 11/06/1992 -} {- -} {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$R+} uses Dos, Crt, Printer, GDriver, GKernel, GWindow, GShell; type ColorArray = array[1..4] of byte; GorniArray = array[1..600] of Real; const IOerr : boolean = false; { Detecta Erro de E/S } LinSup : integer = 1; { EGA = 1; CGA = 2 } LinInf : integer = 25; { EGA = 25; CGA = 24 } PrinterMode = 6; { EGA = 6; CGA = 1 } WindowColor : ColorArray = (Green, Magenta, LightCyan, White); BackColor : ColorArray = (Black, Black, Black, Black); NVPP = 2; {Numero Total de Variaveis por Ponto} MNP = 350; {Numero Maximo Possivel de Dados} ALFA = 1.0; {Coeficiente de Reflexao, >0} BETA = 0.5; {Coeficiente de Contracao, 0~1} GAMMA = 2.0; {Coeficiente de Expansao, >1} ROOT2 = 1.414214; TYPE VECTOR = ARRAY[1..8] OF REAL; DATAROW = ARRAY[1..2] OF REAL; INDEX = 0..255; String40 = String[40]; VAR DONE : BOOLEAN; I,J,K : INTEGER; H,L : ARRAY[1..8] OF INDEX; NP, M, N, MAXITER, NITER,NDAT : INTEGER; NEXT, CENTER, MEAN, ERROR, MAXERR, P, Q, STEP : VECTOR; SIMP : ARRAY[1..8] OF VECTOR; DATA : ARRAY[1..600] OF DATAROW; var Func : integer; Narq : string; Bandeira, SalvaDados : boolean; XData, YData : GorniArray; GraphArray : PlotArray; function Potencia(x, y : real) : real; begin Potencia:=exp(Ln(x)*y); end; {Potencia} Function F(X: Vector; D: Datarow) : REAL; begin begin F := X[1]/(1+(X[2]-X[3]*D[1]))/X[4]; Bandeira:=True; end end; procedure IOCheck; {---------------------------------------------------} {- Check for I/O error; print message if needed. -} {---------------------------------------------------} type String80 = string[80]; var IOcode : integer; procedure Error(Msg : String80); begin Writeln; Write(^G); { Beep! } Writeln(Msg); Writeln; end; { procedure Error } begin { procedure IOCheck } IOcode := IOresult; IOerr := IOcode <> 0; if IOerr then case IOcode of 2 : Error('File not found.'); 3 : Error('Path not found.'); 4 : Error('Too many open files.'); 5 : Error('File access denied.'); 6 : Error('Invalid file handle.'); 12 : Error('Invalid file access code.'); 15 : Error('Invalid drive number.'); 16 : Error('Cannot remove current directory.'); 17 : Error('Cannot rename across drives.'); 100 : Error('Disk read error.'); 101 : Error('Disk write error.'); 102 : Error('File not assigned.'); 103 : Error('File not open.'); 104 : Error('File not open for input.'); 105 : Error('File not open for output.'); 106 : Error('Invalid numeric format.'); else begin Writeln; Writeln(^G); Writeln('Unidentified error message = ', IOcode, '. See manual.'); Writeln; end; end; { case } end; { procedure IOCheck } function FileExists(Fname : String40) : boolean; var CheckFile : file; begin Assign(CheckFile, Fname); {$I-} Reset(CheckFile); {$I+} if IOresult = 0 then begin FileExists := true; Close(CheckFile) end else FileExists := false; end; { function FileExists } procedure GetGraphData(var X, Y : GorniArray; var GraphArray : PlotArray; NP : Integer); var Index : Integer; begin for Index := 1 to NP do begin GraphArray[Index, 1] := X[Index]; GraphArray[Index, 2] := Y[Index]; end; end; { procedure GetGraphData } procedure SetColors(Fore, Back : Integer); begin if MaxForeGround = 15 then begin SetForeGroundColor(Fore); SetBackGroundColor(Back); end; end; { Procedure SetColors } procedure Tela1; begin TextMode(0); GoToXY(1,6); write('****************************************'); write('* *'); write('* M E R L I N *'); write('* *'); write('* *'); write('* Developed por: *'); write('* *'); write('* Antonio Augusto Gorni - EGT/T *'); write('* *'); write('* Lattest Version: 11/06/1992 *'); write('* *'); write('****************************************'); delay(5000); TextMode(2) end; { procedure Tela1 } procedure Flash; begin TextBackground(0); TextColor(31); end; procedure Normal; begin TextBackground(0); TextColor(7); end; procedure Inverse; begin TextBackground(7); TextColor(0); end; procedure Centraliza(var Buffer : string); begin GotoXY(round((80-Length(Buffer))/2+1),1); Inverse; Writeln(Buffer); Normal; end; {procedure Centraliza} procedure Tabula(var Buffer, BufImpr : string; Posicao : integer); var i, Compr : integer; begin for i := 1 to Posicao - Length(BufImpr) do Buffer := ' ' + Buffer; BufImpr:=BufImpr+Buffer; end; {Tabula} procedure CabImpr(var BufImpr, Buffer : string; var NroPag : integer); var Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana, Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo : word; begin Writeln(Lst,BufImpr); Writeln(Lst,Buffer); GetDate(Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana); GetTime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo); Write(Lst,'Page no. ',NroPag,' ***** '); Write(Lst,Dia,'/',Mes,'/',Ano,', ',Hora,':'); If Minuto<10 then Write('0'); Writeln(Lst,Minuto); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); end; {CabImpr} Procedure Eject; begin Writeln(Lst,#$C); end; {Eject} procedure Dir(var Caminho : string; Espec : string); var Contador, i, j, NroLin : integer; Flag : boolean; Buffer : string; Tipo : word; ArqDados : SearchRec; ArqRes : Array [1..255] of string[12]; begin Contador := 0; Tipo := 0; FindFirst(Caminho + Espec, Tipo, ArqDados); If DosError = 0 then begin ArqRes[Contador+1] := ArqDados.Name; Contador := Contador + 1; Flag := true; While Flag do begin FindNext(ArqDados); If DosError = 0 then begin ArqRes[Contador+1] := ArqDados.Name; Contador := Contador + 1; end else Flag := false; end; end; ClrScr; Write('DIRECTORY: '); Inverse; Writeln(Caminho); Normal; Writeln; if Contador = 0 then begin GotoXY(1,7); Flash; Writeln('No File Was Found in this Directory!'); Normal; GotoXY(1,14); Write('Pressto Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); end else begin For i:=1 to Trunc(Contador/5)+1 do begin if i mod 20 = 0 then begin Writeln; Writeln; Write('Press to Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,4); Write('DIRECTORY: '); Inverse; Writeln(Caminho); Normal; Writeln; end; for j := 1 to 5 do begin if 5*(i-1)+j <= Contador then begin GotoXY((j-1)*15+1,WhereY); write(ArqRes[5*(i-1)+j]); end; end; Writeln; end; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Press to Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); end; end; {Dir} PROCEDURE SUM_OF_RESIDUALS (VAR X : VECTOR); VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN X[N] := 0.0; FOR I := 1 TO NP DO X[N] := X[N] + SQR(F(X,DATA[I]) - DATA [I,2]); END; Procedure New_Vertex; var Media : Real; begin Media:=0.0; For i:=1 to N do begin Media:=Media+Error[i]; Simp[H[N],i]:=Next[i]; end; Media:=Media/N; GotoXY(1,15); Writeln('# ',Niter:4,' -> ',Media); end; PROCEDURE ORDER; VAR I,J : INDEX; BEGIN FOR J:=1 TO N DO BEGIN FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN IF SIMP[I,J] SIMP[H[J],J] THEN H[J]:=I END END END; procedure MenuPrincipal(var Funcao : integer); var NroFuncoes : integer; Buffer : string; begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'NON-LINEAR REGRESSION'; Centraliza(Buffer); GotoXY(29,6); Writeln('<1> Data Input'); GotoXY(29,8); Writeln('<2> Data Correction'); GotoXY(29,10); Writeln('<3> Data Suppression'); GotoXY(29,12); Writeln('<4> Data Output'); GotoXY(29,14); Writeln('<5> Non-Linear Regression'); GotoXY(29,16); Writeln('<6> Graphics Plotting'); GotoXY(29,18); Writeln('<7> End'); Funcao:=100; While (Funcao < 1) or (Funcao > 7) do Begin GotoXY(29,22); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Funcao); End; end; {procedure MenuPrincipal} procedure EntradaDados; var Buffer, Xtr, Ytr, Espec, Caminho : string; Funcao, Cod, Nr, i : integer; InFile : text; begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA INPUT'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); if SalvaDados then begin ClrScr; write(^G); GotoXY(1,9); Flash; Writeln('Data Were Not Saved Yet!'); Normal; Buffer := ''; While ((Buffer <> 'Y') and (Buffer <> 'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,13); Write('Do You Want to Continue (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); end; ClrScr; end; if (Buffer = 'Y') or (not SalvaDados) then begin GotoXY(32,6); Writeln('<1> New Data'); GotoXY(32,10); Writeln('<2> More Data'); Funcao := 100; While ((Funcao < 1) or (Funcao > 2)) do begin GotoXY(32,18); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Funcao); end; If Funcao = 1 then begin ClrScr; Buffer:=''; While (Buffer<>'Y') and (Buffer<>'N') do begin GotoXY(1,10); Write('Proposed Function is Already Programmed (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); end; If Buffer='N' then begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,8); Writeln('Define the Proposed Function as "Function F" in this Listing;'); Writeln; Writeln('X[i] is a Array with the Constants to be Fitted;'); Writeln('D[i] is a Array with the Experimental Data;'); Writeln('ESTADO is a Flag Variable that Signs Problems in the Calculation.'); Writeln; Writeln('Press to Continue...'); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; Writeln; Writeln; Halt; end; SalvaDados := False; NP := 0; Narq:=''; end; Buffer := 'INPUT OPTIONS'; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Centraliza(Buffer); GotoXY(35,9); Writeln('<1> Keyboard'); GotoXY(35,13); Writeln('<2> Disk'); Funcao := 100; While ((Funcao < 1) or (Funcao > 2)) do begin GotoXY(35,22); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Funcao); end; If Funcao = 1 then begin Buffer := 'INPUT VIA KEYBOARD'; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); Writeln('Now Enter the Experimental Data.'); Writeln('Digit to Finish.'); Writeln; Xtr := ''; Ytr := ''; While ((Xtr <> 'END') and (Ytr <> 'END')) do begin NP := NP + 1; Writeln; Writeln('Point #', NP); Write('X? '); Readln(Xtr); If Xtr <> 'END' then begin Write('Y? '); Readln(Ytr); Val(Xtr,XData[NP],Cod); Val(Ytr,YData[NP],Cod); end; end; NP := NP - 1; if NP <> 0 then SalvaDados := true; end else begin Buffer := 'INPUT VIA DISK'; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); Narq := '?'; While Narq = '?' do begin GotoXY(1,6); Write('File Name (? to List Directory)? '); Readln(Narq); If Narq = '?' then begin Writeln; Write('Drive or Path? '); Readln(Caminho); Dir(Caminho,'*.ZDZ'); ClrScr; end; end; Narq := Narq + '.ZDZ'; If not FileExists(Narq) then begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,9); Write(^G); Flash; Writeln('File ',Narq,' Does Not Exist!'); Normal; Writeln; GotoXY(1,13); Write('Press to Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); end else begin If NP <> 0 then SalvaDados := true; GotoXY(1,16); Write('Reading '); Flash; Writeln(Narq); Assign(InFile,Narq); Reset(InFile); {I-} Readln(InFile, Nr); {I+} IOCheck; for i := 1 to Nr do begin {I-} Readln(InFile, XData[NP+i], YData[NP+i]); {i+} IOCheck; end; Close(InFile); NP := NP + Nr end; end; end; end; {EntradaDados} Procedure CorrigeDados; var Buffer, Buffer1 : string; Cod, Nponto : integer; begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA CORRECTION'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); While Buffer <> 'END' do begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,7); Writeln('Point Index ( to Finish)? '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer <> 'END' then begin Val(Buffer, Nponto, Cod); If ((Nponto >= 1) and (Nponto <= NP)) then begin writeln; write('X = ',XData[Nponto],'. New Value? '); Readln(Buffer1); If Buffer1 <> '' then Val(Buffer1, XData[Nponto], Cod); write('Y = ',YData[Nponto],'. New Value? '); Readln(Buffer1); If Buffer1 <> '' then Val(Buffer1, YData[Nponto], Cod); SalvaDados := True; end; end; end; end; {Corrige Dados} Procedure SuprimeDados; var Cod, Nponto, NroSupr, i, j, Troca : integer; Vsupr : array [1..30] of integer; Buffer, Buffer1 : string; begin NroSupr := 0; ClrScr; Buffer := 'SUPRESSAO DE DADOS'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); While Buffer <> 'END' do begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,7); Writeln('Point Index ( to Finish)? '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer <> 'END' then begin Val(Buffer, Nponto, Cod); If ((Nponto >= 1) and (Nponto <= NP)) then begin writeln; write('X = ',XData[Nponto],' ***** ',YData[Nponto]); Buffer1 := ''; While ((Buffer1 <> 'Y') and (Buffer1 <> 'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,12); Write(^G); Write('Confirm (Y/N)! '); Readln(Buffer1); end; If Buffer1 = 'Y' then begin NroSupr := NroSupr + 1; Vsupr[NroSupr] := Nponto; end else ClrScr; end; end; end; If NroSupr > 0 then begin GotoXY(1,14); Write(^G); Flash; Writeln('Making Suppressions...'); Normal; for i := 1 to NroSupr - 1 do for j := i + 1 to NroSupr do If Vsupr[j] > Vsupr[i] then begin Troca := Vsupr[j]; Vsupr[j] := Vsupr[i]; Vsupr[i] := Troca; end; for j := 1 to NroSupr do begin For i := Vsupr[j] to NP - 1 do begin XData[i] := XData[i+1]; YData[i] := YData[i+1]; end; NP := NP - 1; end; end; SalvaDados := True; end; {SuprimeDados} Procedure SaidaDados; var Opcao, Contador, i, NroPag : integer; Buffer, BufImpr, Mensagem, Caminho : string; OutFile : text; begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA OUTPUT'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(35,4); Writeln('<1> Screen'); GotoXY(35,8); Writeln('<2> Printer'); GotoXY(35,12); Writeln('<3> Disk'); Opcao := 100; While ((Opcao < 1) or (Opcao > 3)) do begin GotoXY(35,18); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Opcao); end; Case Opcao of 1 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA OUTPUT'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); Contador := 0; For i := 1 to NP do begin Writeln('Point # ',i); Write('X = ',XData[i]); GotoXY(30,WhereY); Writeln('Y = ',YData[i]); Writeln; Contador := Contador + 3; If ((Contador >= 17) and (i < NP)) then begin GotoXY(1,21); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Contador := 0; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,1); end; end; GotoXY(1,21); Flash; Write('Press to Continue.'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; end; 2 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'PRINTING DATA'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,8); Writeln('Enter Data Identification Message.'); Readln(Mensagem); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Prepare Printer; Mark Start of Report.'); Writeln; Writeln; Write('Press to Continue...'); NroPag := 1; Readln(Buffer); BufImpr := 'Experimental Data for Non-Linear Regression'; CabImpr(BufImpr,Mensagem,NroPag); Contador := 0; For i:=1 to NP do begin Str(i,Buffer); BufImpr := '#' + Buffer; Str(XData[i],Buffer); Tabula(Buffer,BufImpr,10); Str(YData[i],Buffer); Tabula(Buffer,BufImpr,35); Writeln(Lst,BufImpr); Contador := Contador + 1; If ((Contador >= 55) and (i < NP)) then begin NroPag := NroPag + 1; Eject; BufImpr := 'Dados para Ajuste de Curvas'; CabImpr(BufImpr,Mensagem,NroPag); Contador := 0; end; end; Eject; ClrScr; end; 3 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA SAVING IN DISK'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,6); If Narq<>'' then begin Buffer:=''; While ((Buffer<>'Y') and (Buffer<>'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,8); Write('Do You Want to Save in '); Flash; Write(Narq); Normal; Write(' (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; end; end; If ((Narq='') or (Buffer='N')) then begin Narq := '?'; While Narq = '?' do begin GotoXY(1,6); Write('File Name (? to List Directory)? '); Readln(Narq); If Narq = '?' then begin Writeln; Write('Drive or Path? '); Readln(Caminho); Dir(Caminho,'*.ZDZ'); ClrScr; end else Narq:=Narq+'.ZDZ' end; end; GotoXY(1,16); Write('Saving '); Flash; Writeln(Narq); Assign(OutFile,Narq); Rewrite(OutFile); {I-} Writeln(OutFile, NP); {I+} IOCheck; for i := 1 to NP do begin {I-} Writeln(OutFile, XData[i], YData[i]); {i+} IOCheck; end; Close(OutFile); SalvaDados := false; end; end; {Case} end; {SaidaDados} Procedure AjustaCurvas; var Contador : index; Console, Impressora, Buffer, BufImpr, BufAux : string; a1, b1, s1, s2, y, st, d, p1, d2, be, xe, z, ff, d1, ae, fe, ye, z1, st1, st2, MediaY : real; Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana, Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo : word; ep, pn, c : real; Impressao : array[1..7,1..2] of string[80]; begin Console:='Con'; Impressora:='Lst'; ClrScr; Buffer := 'NON-LINEAR REGRESSION'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,5); Write('Maximum Number of Iteractions? '); Readln(Maxiter); Writeln; Write('Number of Constants to Fit? '); Readln(m); n:=m+1; Writeln; For i:=1 to M do begin Write('Guess of the Constant ',i,'? '); Readln(Simp[1,i]); end; Writeln; For i:=1 to M do begin Write('Increment of the Constant ',i,'? '); Readln(Step[i]); end; Writeln; For i:=1 to N do If i = n then begin Write('Precision of the Residuals? '); Readln(Maxerr[i]); end else begin Write('Parameter Precision ',i,'? '); Readln(Maxerr[i]); end; ClrScr; GotoXY(1,8); Writeln('Cogito, Ergo Sum!'); GotoXY(1,10); Writeln('Maximum Number of Interactions: ',MAXITER); for j:=1 to Np do begin Data[j,1]:=XData[j]; Data[j,2]:=YData[j] end; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(SIMP[1]); FOR I:=1 TO M DO BEGIN P[I]:=STEP[I]*(SQRT(N)+M-1)/(M*ROOT2); Q[I]:=STEP[I]*(SQRT(N)-1)/(M*ROOT2) END; FOR I:=2 TO N DO BEGIN FOR J:=1 TO M DO SIMP[I,J]:= SIMP[1,J]+Q[J]; SIMP[I,I-1]:=SIMP[1,I-1]+P[I-1]; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(SIMP[I]) END; FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN L[I]:=1; H[I]:=1 END; ORDER; NITER:=0; REPEAT DONE:=TRUE; NITER:=SUCC(NITER); FOR I:=1 TO N DO CENTER[I]:=0.0; FOR I:=1 TO N DO IF I<>H[N] THEN FOR J:=1 TO M DO CENTER[J]:=CENTER[J]+SIMP[I,J]; FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN CENTER[I]:=CENTER[I]/M; NEXT[I]:=(1.0+ALFA)*CENTER[I]-ALFA*SIMP[H[N],I] END; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(NEXT); IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[L[N],N] THEN BEGIN NEW_VERTEX; FOR I:=1 TO M DO NEXT[I]:=GAMMA*SIMP[H[N],I]+(1.0-GAMMA)*CENTER[I]; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(NEXT); IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[L[N],N] THEN NEW_VERTEX END ELSE IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[H[N],N] THEN NEW_VERTEX ELSE BEGIN FOR I:=1 TO M DO NEXT[I]:=BETA*SIMP[H[N],I]+(1.0-BETA)*CENTER[I]; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(NEXT); IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[H[N],N] THEN NEW_VERTEX ELSE FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN FOR J:=1 TO M DO SIMP[I,J]:=(SIMP[I,J]+SIMP[L[N],J])*BETA; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(SIMP[I]) END END; ORDER; FOR J:=1 TO N DO BEGIN ERROR[J]:=(SIMP[H[J],J]-SIMP[L[J],J])/SIMP[H[J],J]; IF DONE THEN IF ABS(ERROR[J])>ABS(MAXERR[J]) THEN DONE:=FALSE END UNTIL (DONE OR (NITER=MAXITER)); FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN MEAN[I]:=0.0; FOR J:=1 TO N DO MEAN[I]:=MEAN[I]+SIMP[J,I]; MEAN[I]:=MEAN[I]/N END; st:=0.; st1:=0.; for j:=1 to NP do st1:=st1+YData[j]; MediaY:=st1/NP; st1:=0.; for j:= 1 to NP do begin y:=F(Mean,Data[j]); d:=YData[j]-y; st:=st+d*d; d:=YData[j]-MediaY; st1:=st1+d*d; end; c:=abs(1-(st/(NP-2))/(st1/(NP-1))); if c>1 then c:=0.001; ep:=sqrt(st/NP); ff:=c*(NP-2)/(1-c); p1:=1; d1:=1; d2:=NP-2; if ((d1=0) or (d2=0) or (ff=0)) then pn:=p1 else begin if ff < 1 then begin ae:=d2; be:=d1; fe:=1/ff end else begin ae:=d1; be:=d2; fe:=ff end; a1:=2/(9*ae); b1:=2/(9*be); xe:=(1-b1)*Potencia(fe,0.3333333)-1+a1; ye:=sqrt(b1*Potencia(fe,0.66666667)+a1); z:=abs(xe/ye); if be < 4 then z:=z*(1+0.08*Potencia(z,4)/Potencia(be,3)); z1:=0.115194+z*(0.000344+z*0.019527); p1:=0.5/Potencia(1+z*(0.196854+z*z1),4); if ff<0 then pn:=p1*100 else pn:=(1-p1)*100; end; if pn=100 then pn:=99.999999; Bandeira:=True; ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Inverse; Writeln('End of Calculations!'); Normal; GotoXY(1,9); Writeln('Maximum Number of Iteractions: ',MaxIter); GotoXY(1,11); Writeln('Effective Number of Interactions: ', NIter); GotoXY(1,18); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Writeln('Solutions:'); GotoXY(1,9); For i:=1 to M do begin Writeln('X(',i,') = ',Mean[i]); Writeln; end; GotoXY(1,WhereY+4); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Writeln('Estimated Fractionary Errors:'); GotoXY(1,9); For i:=1 to M do begin Writeln('Err(',i,') -> ',Error[i]); Writeln; end; GotoXY(1,WhereY+4); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Writeln('R^2: ',c); GotoXY(1,9); Write('E.P.E.: ',ep); GotoXY(1,12); Writeln('% Confidence: ',pn); GotoXY(1,WhereY+4); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; repeat GotoXY(1,6); Write('Do Your Want to Print Results (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); until (Buffer='Y') or (Buffer='N'); if Buffer='Y' then begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Writeln('Enter Results Identification Message.'); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Write('Prepare Printer and Press !'); Readln(BufAux); Writeln(Lst,'NON-LINEAR REGRESSION'); Writeln(Lst,'Versao 1.1990, IBM-XT'); Writeln(Lst); If Narq<>'' then begin Write(Lst,'Data from'); If SalvaDados then Write(Lst,' (partially)'); Write(Lst,' the File ',Narq,' *** ') end else Write(Lst,'Data Entered via Keyboard *** '); GetDate(Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana); GetTime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo); Write(Lst,Dia,'/',Mes,'/',Ano,', ',Hora,':'); If Minuto<10 then Write(Lst,'0'); Writeln(Lst,Minuto); Writeln(Lst,''); Writeln(Lst,Buffer); Writeln(Lst,''); Writeln(Lst,''); Writeln(Lst,'Maximum Number of Iteractions: ',MaxIter); Writeln(Lst,'Effective Number of Iteractions: ', NIter); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'Solutions:'); Writeln(Lst); For i:=1 to M do Writeln(Lst,'X(',i,') = ',Mean[i]); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'Estimated Fractionary Errors:'); Writeln(Lst); For i:=1 to M do Writeln(Lst,'Err(',i,') -> ',Error[i]); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'R^2: ',c); Writeln(Lst,'E.P.E.: ',ep); Writeln(Lst,'% Confidence: ',pn); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); end; end; {AjustaCurvas} Procedure PlotaCurvas; var k, Opcao, Funcao, Cod, NX, NY, CharCode : integer; X0, X1, Y0, Y1, XCalc, Incr : real; Buffer, Console, LabelX, LabelY : string; Loop : boolean; begin Loop:=true; If Bandeira then begin Opcao:=0; X0:=XData[1]; X1:=X0; Y0:=YData[1]; Y1:=Y0; for i:=1 to NP-1 do for j:=i+1 to NP do begin if XData[j] X1 then X1:=XData[j]; if YData[j] Y1 then Y1:=YData[j] end; NX:=5; NY:=5; LabelX:=''; LabelY:=''; CharCode:=8; While Loop do begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'GRAPHICS PLOTTING'; Centraliza(Buffer); GotoXY(29,6); Writeln('<1> Axis Definition'); GotoXY(29,9); Writeln('<2> Plot Graphic'); GotoXY(29,12); Writeln('<3> Show Graphic'); GotoXY(29,15); Writeln('<4> Print Graphic'); GotoXY(29,18); Writeln('<5> Main Menu'); Opcao:=0; While (Opcao < 1) or (Opcao > 5) do begin GotoXY(29,23); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Opcao); end; case Opcao of 1 : begin ClrScr; Buffer:='AXIS DEFINITION'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,3); Write('Current Minimum X: ',X0,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,X0,Cod); Write('Current Maximum X: ',X1,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,X1,Cod); Writeln; Writeln; Write('Current Minimum Y: ',Y0,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,Y0,Cod); Write('Current Maximum Y: ',Y1,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,Y1,Cod); Writeln; Writeln; Write('Current Tick Density in the X-Axis: ',NX, ' - New (-9 a +9): '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,NX,Cod); Write('Current Tick Density in the Y-Axis: ',NY, ' - New (-9 a +9): '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,NY,Cod); If (Abs(NX)>9) or (Abs(NY)>9) then begin Writeln(^G); Inverse; Writeln('Tick Density Illegal!'); Normal end; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Current X-Axis Label: ',LabelX,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then LabelX:=Buffer; Write('Current Y-Axis Label: ',LabelY,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then LabelY:=Buffer; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Current Point Type: ',CharCode,' - New: '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer<>'' then Val(Buffer,Charcode,Cod); end; 2 : begin RAMScreenGlb := true; Incr:=(X1-X0)/MaxPlotGlb; XCalc:=X0; for k:=1 to MaxPlotGlb do begin GraphArray[k,1]:=XCalc; Data[Np+1,1]:=XCalc; GraphArray[k,2]:=F(Mean, Data[Np+1]); XCalc:=XCalc+Incr; If (GraphArray[k,1] X1) or (GraphArray[k,2] Y1) or not Bandeira then begin GraphArray[k,1]:=X0; GraphArray[k,2]:=Y0; end; end; EnterGraphic; DefineWindow(1, 0, 0, XMaxGlb, YMaxGlb); DefineWorld(1,X0,Y0,X1,Y1); SelectWorld(1); SelectWindow(1); SetBackground(0); ClearScreen; GotoXY(1,LinSup); Writeln(LabelY); GotoXY(80-Length(LabelX),LinInf); Writeln(LabelX); DrawBorder; DrawAxis(NX, NY, 0, 15, 0, 15, -1, -1, true); DrawPolygon(GraphArray, 1, MaxPlotGlb, -9, 1, 0); ResetAxis; GetGraphData(XData, YData, GraphArray, NP); DrawPolygon(GraphArray, 1, NP, -CharCode, 2, 0); Readln(Buffer); SwapScreen; LeaveGraphic; end; 3 : begin EnterGraphic; SwapScreen; Readln(Buffer); SwapScreen; LeaveGraphic; end; 4 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer:='GRAPHIC PRINTING'; Centraliza(Buffer); GotoXY(1,12); Writeln('Prepare Printer and Press to Continue!'); Readln(Buffer); EnterGraphic; SwapScreen; HardCopy(false,PrinterMode); SwapScreen; LeaveGraphic; Writeln(Lst,Chr(27),'@'); end; 5 : Loop:=false; end {case} end end; end; {PlotaCurvas} procedure Fim; var Buffer : string; begin If SalvaDados then begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'END OF PROGRAM RUN'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,9); Flash; Writeln(^G'Data Not Saved Yet!'); Normal; Buffer := ''; While ((Buffer<>'Y') and (Buffer<>'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,12); Write('Quit Program (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); end; if Buffer = 'Y' then begin ClrScr; Halt; end; end else begin ClrScr; Halt end; end; {Fim} begin { program Merlin } InitGraphic; SetColors(WindowColor[1], BackColor[1]); LeaveGraphic; Tela1; SalvaDados := false; Bandeira := false; While true do begin MenuPrincipal(Func); case Func of 1 : EntradaDados; 2 : CorrigeDados; 3 : SuprimeDados; 4 : SaidaDados; 5 : AjustaCurvas; 6 : PlotaCurvas; 7 : Fim; end; {case} end; end. { program Merlin }
***** End of Program Listing ******
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Last Update: 28 June 1996 | |
© Antonio Augusto Gorni |