Language: Turbo Pascal.
Objective: This program performs multiple non-linear regression, according to a function previously defined by the user.
Notes: The compilation of this program must be done under the Turbo Pascal compiler, version 5.0 or superior.
***** Begin of Program Listing *****
Program Morgana; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} {- -} {- M O R G A N A -} {- -} {- -} {- Non-Linear Multiple Regression Program -} {- -} {- -} {- Reference: -} {- -} {- - CACECI, M.S. & CACHERIS, W.P.: Byte, May 1984, 340-62. -} {- -} {- -} {- Antonio Augusto Gorni --- May 13, 1990 -} {- -} {- Lattest Revision: August 28, 1991 -} {- -} {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$R+} Uses Dos, Crt, Printer; const IOerr : boolean = false; { Detecta Erro de E/S } MNP = 350; {Numero Maximo Possivel de Dados} ALFA = 1.0; {Coeficiente de Reflexao, >0} BETA = 0.5; {Coeficiente de Contracao, 0~1} GAMMA = 2.0; {Coeficiente de Expansao, >1} ROOT2 = 1.414214; TYPE VECTOR = ARRAY[1..20] OF REAL; DATAROW = ARRAY[1..20] OF REAL; INDEX = 0..255; String40 = String[40]; VAR DONE : BOOLEAN; I,J,K : INTEGER; H,L : ARRAY[1..20] OF INDEX; NP, M, N, NVPP, MAXITER, NITER,NDAT : INTEGER; NEXT, CENTER, MEAN, ERROR, MAXERR, P, Q, STEP : VECTOR; SIMP : ARRAY[1..20] OF VECTOR; DATA : ARRAY[1..500] OF DATAROW; var Func : integer; Narq : string; Bandeira, SalvaDados : boolean; function Potencia(x, y : real) : real; begin Potencia:=exp(Ln(x)*y); end; {Potencia} {- This is the Function to be Programmed by the User -} Function F(X: Vector; D: Datarow) : REAL; begin If D[2]=0 then Bandeira:=False else begin F:=x[1]+X[2]*(exp(0.126-1.75*0.07+0.594*0.07*0.07+ (2851+2968*0.07-1120*0.07*0.07)/D[1])* Potencia(D[2],0.21)*Potencia(D[3],0.13)); Bandeira:=True; end end; procedure IOCheck; {---------------------------------------------------} {- Check for I/O error; print message if needed. -} {---------------------------------------------------} type String80 = string[80]; var IOcode : integer; procedure Error(Msg : String80); begin Writeln; Write(^G); { Beep! } Writeln(Msg); Writeln; end; { procedure Error } begin { procedure IOCheck } IOcode := IOresult; IOerr := IOcode <> 0; if IOerr then case IOcode of 2 : Error('File not found.'); 3 : Error('Path not found.'); 4 : Error('Too many open files.'); 5 : Error('File access denied.'); 6 : Error('Invalid file handle.'); 12 : Error('Invalid file access code.'); 15 : Error('Invalid drive number.'); 16 : Error('Cannot remove current directory.'); 17 : Error('Cannot rename across drives.'); 100 : Error('Disk read error.'); 101 : Error('Disk write error.'); 102 : Error('File not assigned.'); 103 : Error('File not open.'); 104 : Error('File not open for input.'); 105 : Error('File not open for output.'); 106 : Error('Invalid numeric format.'); else begin Writeln; Writeln(^G); Writeln('Unidentified error message = ', IOcode, '. See manual.'); Writeln; end; end; { case } end; { procedure IOCheck } function FileExists(Fname : String40) : boolean; var CheckFile : file; begin Assign(CheckFile, Fname); {$I-} Reset(CheckFile); {$I+} if IOresult = 0 then begin FileExists := true; Close(CheckFile) end else FileExists := false; end; { function FileExists } procedure Tela1; begin TextMode(0); GoToXY(1,6); write('****************************************'); write('* *'); write('* M O R G A N A *'); write('* *'); write('* *'); write('* Developed by *'); write('* *'); write('* Antonio Augusto Gorni - QTT/M *'); write('* COSIPA - C.P. 11 - 11573-900 *'); write('* Cubatao, SP Brazil *'); write('* *'); write('* Lattest Revision: 26/08/1991 *'); write('* *'); write('****************************************'); delay(5000); TextMode(2) end; { procedure Tela1 } procedure Flash; begin TextBackground(0); TextColor(31); end; procedure Normal; begin TextBackground(0); TextColor(7); end; procedure Inverse; begin TextBackground(7); TextColor(0); end; procedure Centraliza(var Buffer : string); begin GotoXY(round((80-Length(Buffer))/2+1),1); Inverse; Writeln(Buffer); Normal; end; {procedure Centraliza} procedure Tabula(var Buffer, BufImpr : string; Posicao : integer); var i, Compr : integer; begin for i := 1 to Posicao - Length(BufImpr) do Buffer := ' ' + Buffer; BufImpr:=BufImpr+Buffer; end; {Tabula} procedure CabImpr(var BufImpr, Buffer : string; var NroPag : integer); var Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana, Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo : word; begin Writeln(Lst,BufImpr); Writeln(Lst,Buffer); GetDate(Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana); GetTime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo); Write(Lst,'Page no. ',NroPag,' ***** '); Write(Lst,Dia,'/',Mes,'/',Ano,', ',Hora,':'); If Minuto<10 then Write(Lst,'0'); Writeln(Lst,Minuto); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); end; {CabImpr} Procedure Eject; begin Writeln(Lst,#$C); end; {Eject} procedure Dir(var Caminho : string; Espec : string); var Contador, i, j, NroLin : integer; Flag : boolean; Buffer : string; Tipo : word; ArqDados : SearchRec; ArqRes : Array [1..255] of string[12]; begin Contador := 0; Tipo := 0; FindFirst(Caminho + Espec, Tipo, ArqDados); If DosError = 0 then begin ArqRes[Contador+1] := ArqDados.Name; Contador := Contador + 1; Flag := true; While Flag do begin FindNext(ArqDados); If DosError = 0 then begin ArqRes[Contador+1] := ArqDados.Name; Contador := Contador + 1; end else Flag := false; end; end; ClrScr; Write('DIRETORIO: '); Inverse; Writeln(Caminho); Normal; Writeln; if Contador = 0 then begin GotoXY(1,7); Flash; Writeln('No File Was Found in this Directory!'); Normal; GotoXY(1,14); Write('Pressto Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); end else begin For i:=1 to Trunc(Contador/5)+1 do begin if i mod 20 = 0 then begin Writeln; Writeln; Write('Press to Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,4); Write('DIRECTORY: '); Inverse; Writeln(Caminho); Normal; Writeln; end; for j := 1 to 5 do begin if 5*(i-1)+j <= Contador then begin GotoXY((j-1)*15+1,WhereY); write(ArqRes[5*(i-1)+j]); end; end; Writeln; end; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Press to Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); end; end; {Dir} PROCEDURE SUM_OF_RESIDUALS (VAR X : VECTOR); VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN X[N] := 0.0; FOR I := 1 TO NP DO X[N] := X[N] + SQR(F(X,DATA[I]) - DATA [I,NVPP]); END; Procedure New_Vertex; var Media : Real; begin Media:=0.0; For i:=1 to N do begin Media:=Media+Error[i]; Simp[H[N],i]:=Next[i]; end; Media:=Media/N; GotoXY(1,15); Writeln('# ',Niter:4,' -> ',Mean); end; PROCEDURE ORDER; VAR I,J : INDEX; BEGIN FOR J:=1 TO N DO BEGIN FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN IF SIMP[I,J] SIMP[H[J],J] THEN H[J]:=I END END END; procedure MenuPrincipal(var Funcao : integer); var NroFuncoes : integer; Buffer : string; begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'NON-LINEAR MULTIPLE REGRESSION'; Centraliza(Buffer); GotoXY(29,6); Writeln('<1> Data Input'); GotoXY(29,8); Writeln('<2> Data Correction'); GotoXY(29,10); Writeln('<3> Data Suppression'); GotoXY(29,12); Writeln('<4> Data Output'); GotoXY(29,14); Writeln('<5> Non-Linear Multiple Regression'); GotoXY(29,16); Writeln('<6> End'); Funcao:=100; While (Funcao < 1) or (Funcao > 7) do Begin GotoXY(29,21); Write('Your Option? '); Readln(Funcao); End; end; {procedure MenuPrincipal} procedure EntradaDados; var Buffer, Espec, Caminho : string; Funcao, Cod, Nr, i,j : integer; InFile : text; begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA INPUT'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); if SalvaDados then begin ClrScr; write(^G); GotoXY(1,9); Flash; Writeln('Data Not Saved Yet!'); Normal; Buffer := ''; While ((Buffer <> 'Y') and (Buffer <> 'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,13); Write('Do You Want to Continue (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); end; ClrScr; end; if (Buffer = 'Y') or (not SalvaDados) then begin GotoXY(32,6); Writeln('<1> New Data'); GotoXY(32,10); Writeln('<2> More Data'); Funcao := 100; While ((Funcao < 1) or (Funcao > 2)) do begin GotoXY(32,18); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Funcao); end; If Funcao = 1 then begin ClrScr; Buffer:=''; While (Buffer<>'Y') and (Buffer<>'N') do begin GotoXY(1,10); Write('The Proposed Function is Already Programmed (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); end; If Buffer='N' then begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,8); Writeln('Define the Proposed Function as "Function F" in this Listing;'); Writeln; Writeln('X[i] Is the Array with the Constants to be Adjusted;'); Writeln('D[i] Is the Array with the Experimental Data;'); Writeln('ESTADO Is a Flag Variable which Signs Problems during the Fitting Process.'); Writeln; Writeln('Press to Continue...'); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; Writeln; Writeln; Halt; end; SalvaDados := False; NP := 0; Narq:=''; end; Buffer := 'INPUT OPTIONS'; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Centraliza(Buffer); GotoXY(35,9); Writeln('<1> Keyboard'); GotoXY(35,13); Writeln('<2> Disk'); Funcao := 100; While ((Funcao < 1) or (Funcao > 2)) do begin GotoXY(35,22); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Funcao); end; If Funcao = 1 then begin Buffer := 'INPUT VIA KEYBOARD'; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); if np=0 then begin Write('Number of Independent Variables? '); Readln(nvpp); nvpp:=nvpp+1; writeln; writeln; end; Writeln('Now Enter the Data.'); Writeln('Write to Finish'); Writeln; Buffer := ''; While Buffer <> 'END' do begin NP := NP + 1; Writeln; Writeln('Point #', NP); for i:=1 to nvpp do begin if i=nvpp then begin Write('Dependent Variable? '); Readln(Buffer); end else begin Write('Variable ',i,'? '); Readln(Buffer); end; if Buffer='END' then i:=nvpp else Val(Buffer,Data[NP,i],Cod); end; end; NP := NP - 1; if NP <> 0 then SalvaDados := true; end else begin Buffer := 'INPUT VIA DISK'; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); Narq := '?'; While Narq = '?' do begin GotoXY(1,6); Write('File Name (? to List Directory)? '); Readln(Narq); If Narq = '?' then begin Writeln; Write('Drive or Path? '); Readln(Caminho); Dir(Caminho,'*.MRG'); ClrScr; end; end; Narq := Narq + '.MRG'; If not FileExists(Narq) then begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,9); Write(^G); Flash; Writeln('File ',Narq,' does not Exist!'); Normal; Writeln; GotoXY(1,13); Write('Press to Continue... '); Readln(Buffer); end else begin If NP <> 0 then SalvaDados := true; GotoXY(1,16); Write('Reading '); Flash; Writeln(Narq); Assign(InFile,Narq); Reset(InFile); {I-} Readln(InFile, nvpp); {I+} IOCheck; {I-} Readln(InFile, Nr); {I+} IOCheck; for i := 1 to Nr do for j := 1 to nvpp do begin {I-} Readln(InFile, Data[NP+i,j]); {i+} IOCheck; end; Close(InFile); NP := NP + Nr end; end; end; end; {EntradaDados} Procedure CorrigeDados; var Buffer : string; Cod, Nponto,i : integer; begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA CORRECTION'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); While Buffer <> 'END' do begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,7); Writeln('Index of the Point ( to Finish)? '); Readln(Buffer); Writeln; If Buffer <> 'END' then begin Val(Buffer, Nponto, Cod); If ((Nponto >= 1) and (Nponto <= NP)) then begin for i:=1 to nvpp do begin if i=nvpp then write('Dependente Variable = ') else write('X[',i,']',' = '); write(Data[Nponto,i],'. New Value? '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer <> '' then Val(Buffer,Data[Nponto,i],Cod); SalvaDados := True; end; end; end; end; end; {Corrige Dados} Procedure SuprimeDados; var Cod, Nponto, NroSupr, i, j, k, Troca : integer; Vsupr : array [1..30] of integer; Buffer, Buffer1 : string; begin NroSupr := 0; ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA SUPPRESSION'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); While Buffer <> 'END' do begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,7); Writeln('Point Index ( para Terminar)? '); Readln(Buffer); If Buffer <> 'END' then begin Val(Buffer, Nponto, Cod); If ((Nponto >= 1) and (Nponto <= NP)) then begin writeln; for i:=1 to nvpp do begin if i mod 2 = 1 then GotoXY(1,WhereY) else GotoXY(41,WhereY); if i = nvpp then Write('Dependent Variable = ') else Write('X[',i,'] = '); if i mod 2 = 1 then Write(Data[Nponto,i]) else Writeln(Data[Nponto,i]); end; Buffer1 := ''; While ((Buffer1 <> 'Y') and (Buffer1 <> 'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,12); Writeln(^G); Write('Confirm (Y/N)! '); Readln(Buffer1); end; If Buffer1 = 'Y' then begin NroSupr := NroSupr + 1; Vsupr[NroSupr] := Nponto; end else ClrScr; end; end; end; If NroSupr > 0 then begin GotoXY(1,14); Write(^G); Flash; Writeln('Making Suppresions...'); Normal; for i := 1 to NroSupr - 1 do for j := i + 1 to NroSupr do If Vsupr[j] > Vsupr[i] then begin Troca := Vsupr[j]; Vsupr[j] := Vsupr[i]; Vsupr[i] := Troca; end; for j := 1 to NroSupr do begin For i := Vsupr[j] to NP - 1 do For k := 1 to nvpp do Data[i,k] := Data[i+1,k]; NP := NP - 1; end; end; SalvaDados := True; end; {SuprimeDados} Procedure SaidaDados; var Opcao, Contador, i, NroPag : integer; BufAux, Buffer, BufImpr, Mensagem, Caminho : string; OutFile : text; begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA OUTPUT'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(35,4); Writeln('<1> Screen'); GotoXY(35,8); Writeln('<2> Printer'); GotoXY(35,12); Writeln('<3> Disk'); Opcao := 100; While ((Opcao < 1) or (Opcao > 3)) do begin GotoXY(35,18); Write('Your Choice? '); Readln(Opcao); end; Case Opcao of 1 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA OUTPUT'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); Contador := 0; For i := 1 to NP do begin Writeln('Point # ',i); Contador:=Contador+1; For j:=1 to nvpp do begin if j mod 2 = 1 then GotoXY(1,WhereY) else GotoXY(41,WhereY); if j = nvpp then Write('Dependente Variable = ' else Write('X[',j,'] = '); if (j mod 2 = 1) and (j <> nvpp) then Write(Data[i,j]) else begin Writeln(Data[i,j]); Contador:=Contador+1; end; if j = nvpp then begin Writeln; Contador:=Contador+1; end; If ((Contador >= 16) and (i < NP)) and (j mod 2 = 0) then begin GotoXY(1,21); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Contador := 0; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,1); end; end; end; GotoXY(1,21); Flash; Write('Press to Continue.'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; end; 2 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA PRINTING'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,8); Writeln('Enter Data Identification Message.'); Readln(Mensagem); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Prepare Printer, Mark Start of Report.'); Writeln; Writeln; Write('Press to Continue...'); NroPag := 1; Readln(Buffer); BufImpr := 'Data for Non-Linear Multiple Regression'; CabImpr(BufImpr,Mensagem,NroPag); Contador := 0; For i:=1 to NP do begin Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'Point #',i); BufImpr:=''; Contador:=Contador+2; for j:=1 to nvpp do begin Str(Data[i,j],Buffer); Tabula(Buffer,BufImpr,(j-1)*19); if j mod 4 = 0 then begin Writeln(Lst,BufImpr); BufImpr:=''; Contador:=Contador+1; end; If ((Contador >= 55) and (i < NP)) then begin BufAux:=BufImpr; NroPag := NroPag + 1; Eject; BufImpr := 'Data for Non-Linear Regression'; CabImpr(BufImpr,Mensagem,NroPag); Contador := 0; BufImpr := BufAux; end; end; if nvpp mod 4 <> 0 then begin Writeln(Lst,BufImpr); BufImpr:=''; Contador:=Contador+1; end; end; Eject; ClrScr; end; 3 : begin Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; Buffer := 'DATA SAVING IN DISK'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,6); If Narq<>'' then begin Buffer:=''; While ((Buffer<>'Y') and (Buffer<>'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,8); Write('Do You Want to Save in '); Flash; Write(Narq); Normal; Write(' (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; end; end; If ((Narq='') or (Buffer='N')) then begin Narq := '?'; While Narq = '?' do begin GotoXY(1,6); Write('File Name (? to List Directory)? '); Readln(Narq); If Narq = '?' then begin Writeln; Write('Drive or Path? '); Readln(Caminho); Dir(Caminho,'*.MRG'); ClrScr; end else Narq:=Narq+'.MRG'; end; end; GotoXY(1,16); Write('Saving '); Flash; Writeln(Narq); Assign(OutFile,Narq); Rewrite(OutFile); {I-} Writeln(OutFile, nvpp); {I+} IOCheck; {I-} Writeln(OutFile, NP); {I+} IOCheck; for i := 1 to NP do for j := 1 to nvpp do begin {I-} Writeln(OutFile, Data[i,j]); {i+} IOCheck; end; Close(OutFile); SalvaDados := false; end; end; {Case} end; {SaidaDados} Procedure AjustaCurvas; var Contador : index; Console, Impressora, Buffer, BufImpr, BufAux : string; a1, b1, s1, s2, y, st, d, p1, d2, be, xe, z, ff, d1, ae, fe, ye, z1, st1, st2, MediaY : real; Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana, Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo : word; ep, pn, c : real; Impressao : array[1..7,1..2] of string[80]; begin Console:='Con'; Impressora:='Lst'; ClrScr; Buffer := 'NON-LINEAR MULTIPLE REGRESSION'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,5); Write('Maximum Number of Interactions? '); Readln(Maxiter); Writeln; Write('Number of Constants to Fit? '); Readln(m); n:=m+1; Writeln; For i:=1 to M do begin Write('Guess of the Constant ',i,'? '); Readln(Simp[1,i]); end; Writeln; For i:=1 to M do begin Write('Increment of the Parameter ',i,'? '); Readln(Step[i]); end; Writeln; For i:=1 to N do If i = n then begin Write('Precision of the Residuals? '); Readln(Maxerr[i]); end else begin Write('Parameter Precision ',i,'? '); Readln(Maxerr[i]); end; ClrScr; GotoXY(1,8); Writeln('Cogito, Ergo Sum!'); GotoXY(1,10); Writeln('Maximum Number of Interactions: ',MAXITER); SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(SIMP[1]); FOR I:=1 TO M DO BEGIN P[I]:=STEP[I]*(SQRT(N)+M-1)/(M*ROOT2); Q[I]:=STEP[I]*(SQRT(N)-1)/(M*ROOT2) END; FOR I:=2 TO N DO BEGIN FOR J:=1 TO M DO SIMP[I,J]:= SIMP[1,J]+Q[J]; SIMP[I,I-1]:=SIMP[1,I-1]+P[I-1]; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(SIMP[I]) END; FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN L[I]:=1; H[I]:=1 END; ORDER; NITER:=0; REPEAT DONE:=TRUE; NITER:=SUCC(NITER); FOR I:=1 TO N DO CENTER[I]:=0.0; FOR I:=1 TO N DO IF I<>H[N] THEN FOR J:=1 TO M DO CENTER[J]:=CENTER[J]+SIMP[I,J]; FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN CENTER[I]:=CENTER[I]/M; NEXT[I]:=(1.0+ALFA)*CENTER[I]-ALFA*SIMP[H[N],I] END; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(NEXT); IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[L[N],N] THEN BEGIN NEW_VERTEX; FOR I:=1 TO M DO NEXT[I]:=GAMMA*SIMP[H[N],I]+(1.0-GAMMA)*CENTER[I]; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(NEXT); IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[L[N],N] THEN NEW_VERTEX END ELSE IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[H[N],N] THEN NEW_VERTEX ELSE BEGIN FOR I:=1 TO M DO NEXT[I]:=BETA*SIMP[H[N],I]+(1.0-BETA)*CENTER[I]; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(NEXT); IF NEXT[N]<=SIMP[H[N],N] THEN NEW_VERTEX ELSE FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN FOR J:=1 TO M DO SIMP[I,J]:=(SIMP[I,J]+SIMP[L[N],J])*BETA; SUM_OF_RESIDUALS(SIMP[I]) END END; ORDER; FOR J:=1 TO N DO BEGIN ERROR[J]:=(SIMP[H[J],J]-SIMP[L[J],J])/SIMP[H[J],J]; IF DONE THEN IF ABS(ERROR[J])>ABS(MAXERR[J]) THEN DONE:=FALSE END UNTIL (DONE OR (NITER=MAXITER)); FOR I:=1 TO N DO BEGIN MEAN[I]:=0.0; FOR J:=1 TO N DO MEAN[I]:=MEAN[I]+SIMP[J,I]; MEAN[I]:=MEAN[I]/N END; st:=0.; st1:=0.; for j:=1 to NP do st1:=st1+Data[j,nvpp]; MediaY:=st1/NP; st1:=0.; for j:= 1 to NP do begin y:=F(Mean,Data[j]); d:=Data[j,nvpp]-y; st:=st+d*d; d:=Data[j,nvpp]-MediaY; st1:=st1+d*d; end; c:=abs(1-(st/(NP-2))/(st1/(NP-1))); if c>1 then c:=0.001; ep:=sqrt(st/NP); ff:=c*(NP-2)/(1-c); p1:=1; d1:=1; d2:=NP-2; if ((d1=0) or (d2=0) or (ff=0)) then pn:=p1 else begin if ff < 1 then begin ae:=d2; be:=d1; fe:=1/ff end else begin ae:=d1; be:=d2; fe:=ff end; a1:=2/(9*ae); b1:=2/(9*be); xe:=(1-b1)*Potencia(fe,0.3333333)-1+a1; ye:=sqrt(b1*Potencia(fe,0.66666667)+a1); z:=abs(xe/ye); if be < 4 then z:=z*(1+0.08*Potencia(z,4)/Potencia(be,3)); z1:=0.115194+z*(0.000344+z*0.019527); p1:=0.5/Potencia(1+z*(0.196854+z*z1),4); if ff<0 then pn:=p1*100 else pn:=(1-p1)*100; end; if pn=100 then pn:=99.999999; Bandeira:=True; ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Inverse; Writeln('End of Calculations!'); Normal; GotoXY(1,9); Writeln('Maximum Number of Iteractions: ',MaxIter); GotoXY(1,11); Writeln('Effective Number of Iteractions: ', NIter); GotoXY(1,18); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,2); Writeln('Solutions:'); GotoXY(1,4); For i:=1 to M do begin Writeln('X(',i,') = ',Mean[i]); end; GotoXY(1,WhereY+2); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,2); Writeln('Estimated Fractionary Errors:'); GotoXY(1,4); For i:=1 to M do begin Writeln('Err(',i,') -> ',Error[i]); end; GotoXY(1,WhereY+2); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Writeln('R^2: ',c); GotoXY(1,9); Write('E.P.E.: ',ep); GotoXY(1,12); Writeln('% Confidence: ',pn); GotoXY(1,WhereY+4); Flash; Write('Press to Continue...'); Normal; Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; repeat GotoXY(1,6); Write('Do Your Want to Print Results (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); until (Buffer='Y') or (Buffer='N'); if Buffer='Y' then begin ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Writeln('Enter Results Identification Message.'); Readln(Buffer); ClrScr; GotoXY(1,6); Write('Prepare Printer and Press !'); Readln(BufAux); Writeln(Lst,'NON-LINEAR MULTIPLE REGRESSION'); Writeln(Lst,'Version 1.1990, IBM-XT'); Writeln(Lst); If Narq<>'' then begin Write(Lst,'Data from'); If SalvaDados then Write(Lst,' (partially)'); Write(Lst,' the File ',Narq,' *** ') end else Write(Lst,'Data Entered via Keyboard *** '); GetDate(Ano, Mes, Dia, DiaSemana); GetTime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo, CentSegundo); Write(Lst,Dia,'/',Mes,'/',Ano,', ',Hora,':'); If Minuto<10 then Write(Lst,'0'); Writeln(Lst,Minuto); Writeln(Lst,''); Writeln(Lst,Buffer); Writeln(Lst,''); Writeln(Lst,''); Writeln(Lst,'Maximum Number of Iteractions: ',MaxIter); Writeln(Lst,'Effective Number of Iteractions: ', NIter); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'Solutions:'); Writeln(Lst); For i:=1 to M do Writeln(Lst,'X(',i,') = ',Mean[i]); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'Estimated Fractionary Errors:'); Writeln(Lst); For i:=1 to M do Writeln(Lst,'Err(',i,') -> ',Error[i]); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst,'R^2: ',c); Writeln(Lst,'E.P.E.: ',ep); Writeln(Lst,'% Confidence: ',pn); Writeln(Lst); Writeln(Lst); end; end; {AjustaCurvas} procedure Fim; var Buffer : string; begin If SalvaDados then begin ClrScr; Buffer := 'END OF PROGRAM RUN'; Centraliza(Buffer); Window(1,4,80,25); GotoXY(1,9); Flash; Writeln(^G'Data Were Not Saved Yet!'); Normal; Buffer := ''; While ((Buffer<>'Y') and (Buffer<>'N')) do begin GotoXY(1,12); Write('Quit Program (Y/N)? '); Readln(Buffer); end; if Buffer = 'Y' then begin ClrScr; Halt; end; end else begin ClrScr; Halt end; end; {Fim} begin { program Morgana } Tela1; SalvaDados := false; Bandeira := false; While true do begin MenuPrincipal(Func); case Func of 1 : EntradaDados; 2 : CorrigeDados; 3 : SuprimeDados; 4 : SaidaDados; 5 : AjustaCurvas; 6 : Fim; end; {case} end; end. { program Morgana }
***** End of Program Listing ******
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Last Update: 28 June 1996 | |
© Antonio Augusto Gorni |